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Yolanda Auersperg
"A willingness to experiment does not mean randomly throwing paint at a canvas."
Gary P. Pisano
Yolanda Auersperg
"A tolerance for failure requires an intolerance for incompetence. A willingness to experiment requires rigorous discipline. Psychological safety requires comfort with brutal candor. Collaboration must be balanced with individual accountability. And flatness requires strong leadership. Innovative cultures are paradoxical."
Gary P. Pisano
Yolanda Auersperg
"Projects don’t go wrong, they start wrong."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"A good plan maximises experience or experimentation. A great plan is one that does both. "
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"When small can scale up and become huge fast, small experiments have huge potential."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Planning requires thinking. And creative, critical and careful thinking is slow."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Challenges ignored during planning will eventually boomerang back as delays and cost overruns. "
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Planning requires thinking. And creative, critical and careful thinking is slow."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Die wahre Stärke eines Leaders im digitalen Zeitalter liegt darin, Innovation zu fördern und Veränderungen anzunehmen."
Satya Nadella
Andreas Diehl
"Wenn du etwas so machst, wie du es seit zehn Jahren gemacht hast, dann sind die Chancen groß, dass du es falsch machst."
Charles Kettering