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Andreas Diehl
"Where does strategy live in a company? Too often, a company strategy sits on a shelf, gathering dust."
Donald Sull
Andreas Diehl
"A system cannot understand itself."
W. Edwards Deming
Andreas Diehl
"Knowledge crosses borders without a visa."
W. Edwards Deming
Andreas Diehl
"If you cannot argue with your boss he is not worth working for."
Leslie E. Simon
Yolanda Auersperg
"While losing control is one of the biggest fears in management, having control is one of the biggest illusions. "
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Trust is free, control is not."
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Performance can be enabled, but not managed. "
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Many seem to have forgotten that the I in KPI stands for “indicator”."
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"The matrix organisation is sometimes criticised for being ineffective. I don’t fully appreciate the problem. Many of us actually grew up in one being raised by two parents."
Bjarte Bogsnes
Andreas Diehl
"Eine lange Gewohnheit, eine Sache nicht für falsch zu halten, verleiht ihr oberflächlich den Anschein, richtig zu sein, und löst zunächst einen gewaltigen Aufschrei zur Verteidigung der Sitte aus. Aber der Tumult legt sich bald. Die Zeit bekehrt mehr als die Vernunft."
Thomas Paine
Andreas Diehl
"When the variety or complexity of the environment exceeds the capacity of a system (natural or artificial) the environment will dominate and ultimately destroy that system."
William Ross Ashby
Andreas Diehl
"Systemische Krisen erfordern systemische Antworten."
Andreas Diehl
"Wenn du auf nichts zielst, triffst du nichts."
Chinesische Weisheit
Andreas Diehl
"Strategies don’t live in thick binders – that’s where they go to die."
Donald Sull
Yolanda Auersperg
"Today’s problems come from yesterday’s ‘solutions.’"
Peter Senge
Yolanda Auersperg
"The map is not the territory."
Alfred Korzybski
Nina Menke
"Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations."
Melvin E. Conway
Yolanda Auersperg
"What we do always speaks louder than what we say."
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be counted."
William Bruce Cameron
Yolanda Auersperg
"Money motivates neither the best people nor the best in people."
Dee Hock
Yolanda Auersperg
"Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one."
Yolanda Auersperg
"Certainty is not a property of the universe. It is one of these constructs of the human mind which simply does not exist."
Dee Hock
Yolanda Auersperg
"Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed on it for control purposes."
Charles Goodhart
Yolanda Auersperg
"There can be no true agile transformation without beyond budgeting."
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Our problem is not that we aim too high and miss. But that we aim too low and hit."
Yolanda Auersperg
"More fiction has been written in Excel than in Word."
Daniel Pink
Yolanda Auersperg
"Most corporate planning is like a ritual raindance. It has no effect on the weather, but those who engage in it think it does. Moreover, much of the advice and instruction is directed to improving the dancing, not the weather"
Russell Ackoff
Yolanda Auersperg
"Most of what we call management is about making it difficult for people to do their job."
Peter Drucker
Yolanda Auersperg
"It doesn’t help having Theory Y leadership visions if there are Theory X management processes. The result is poisonous gaps between what is preached and what is practiced sadly seen in so many organisations. "
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"The gap between what we expect as free citizens and what we accept as employees is part of the problem"
Bjarte Bogsnes
Yolanda Auersperg
"Big projects that deliver as promised are rare. Average practice is a disaster, best practice an outlier."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Projects don’t go wrong, they start wrong."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"A good plan maximises experience or experimentation. A great plan is one that does both. "
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"When small can scale up and become huge fast, small experiments have huge potential."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Planning is relatively cheap and safe. Delivery is expensive and dangerous. "
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Projects are not goals in themselves. Projects are how goals are achieved."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Progress in planning is progress on the project."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Good planning explores, imagines, analyses, tests and iterates. That takes time. Thus slow is a consequence of doing planning right. Not a cause."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Planning requires thinking. And creative, critical and careful thinking is slow."
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Challenges ignored during planning will eventually boomerang back as delays and cost overruns. "
Bent Flyvbjerg
Yolanda Auersperg
"Repetitio est mater studiorum. Repetition is the mother of learning."
Andreas Diehl
"Performance is the joint outcome of capability and clever design."
Richard Rumelt
Nina Menke
"Egal, wie mächtig AI wird, es werden immer Menschen dein Produkt kaufen. Und die haben Hirne. Und du musst wissen, wie diese Hirne funktionieren."
Dominik Imseng
Nina Menke
"Jetzt wird es mal Zeit, zu sagen “Wollen wir das oder wollen wir das nicht?” Und wenn wir das wollen, dann machen wir es doch endlich mal richtig."
Kristina Vogel
Yolanda Auersperg
"Im digitalen Zeitalter geht Leadership über die Fähigkeit hinaus, Technologie zu nutzen. Es geht darum, Menschlichkeit zu bewahren."
Satya Nadella
Yolanda Auersperg
"Wenn wir also Systeme haben wollen, die intelligent sind, brauchen wir im Prinzip Vernetzung, Erregung und Bewertung."
Prof. Peter Kruse
Andreas Diehl
"Strategy is about making specific choices to win in the marketplace."
Alan G. Lafley
Andreas Diehl
"If everything is a priority, nothing is."
Alan G. Lafley
Andreas Diehl
"Shared documents aren’t shared understanding."
Jeff Patton
Andreas Diehl
"The best estimates come from developers who really understand what they are estimating."
Jeff Patton