Zitate "Strategie"

Zitate und Sprüche zu "Strategie"

Berühmte Zitate über Strategie als Denkanstöße für Planung und Ausführung, denn Wandel und Transformation sind eine Herausforderung.

Die neusten Zitate

Andreas DiehlYolanda Auersperg
"Projects don’t go wrong, they start wrong."

Bent Flyvbjerg

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Performance is the joint outcome of capability and clever design."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlNina Menke
"Jetzt wird es mal Zeit, zu sagen “Wollen wir das oder wollen wir das nicht?” Und wenn wir das wollen, dann machen wir es doch endlich mal richtig."

Kristina Vogel

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy is about making specific choices to win in the marketplace."

Alan G. Lafley

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"If everything is a priority, nothing is."

Alan G. Lafley

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy requires making explicit choices. To do some things and not others. And building a business around those choices. In short: Strategy is choice. More specifically: Strategy is an integrated set of choices that uniquely positions the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage and superior value relative to the competition."

Alan G. Lafley

Andreas DiehlNina Menke
"Sometimes you have to destroy your business in order to save it."

James Surowiecki

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy is about focus. Not about everything, that everyone does."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"I think of strategy as an ongoing process of searching, doing, learning and modifying."

John Kotter

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"No trade off, no strategy."

Henry Mintzberg

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"All models are wrong, but some are useful to have a conversation."

George Box

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions."

Henry Mintzberg

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless."

Morris Chang

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Wenn das, was Du heute tust, nichts mit dem zu tun hat, was Du morgen erreichen willst, dann hast Du keine Strategie."

Andreas Diehl

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. Without tradeoffs, there would be no need for choice and thus no need for strategy. Any good idea could and would be quickly imitated. Again, performance would once again depend wholly on operational effectiveness."

Michael Porter

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"The only reason companies need a strategy is that they have very limited resources."

Jay Galbraith

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

Steve Jobs

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"In our view, far too few companies have a clear, choiceful and compelling winning strategy in place. Too often, CEOs in particular will allow what is urgent to crowd out what is really important."

Alan G. Lafley

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so."

Mark Twain

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"The essential problem in organizations today is a failure to distinguish planning from strategizing. Planning is about programming, not discovering. Planning is for technocrats, not dreamers. Giving planners responsibility for creating strategy is like asking a bricklayer to create Michelangelo’s Pietà."

Gary Hamel

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy means asking or making people do things that break with routine and focus collective effort and resources on new or non-routine purposes."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"A strategy is a decision about how and where and with whom to compete."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Strategy is an ongoing process of dealing with critical challenges and deciding what consequential actions to take. "

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"In a world of change and flux, more from the same is rarely the right answer. In a changing world a good strategy must have an entrepreneurial component."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Good strategy does not pop out of some strategic management tool, matrix, chart, triangle or fill in the blanks scheme. Instead a talented leader identifies the one or two critical issues in the situation – the pivot points that can multiply the effectiveness of effort – and than focuses actions and resources on them."

Richard Rumelt

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Simply defending market share is no longer a winning strategy."

Jacques Bughin, Tanguy Catlin, Martin Hirt & Paul Willmott

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"The Status Quo is all too often an implicit unexamined choice."

Alan G. Lafley

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"OKRs are a great way to make sure everyone understands how you’re going to measure success and strategy."

Dick Costolo

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any."

Jim Collins

Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist, der kann nicht ganz dicht sein."


Andreas DiehlAndreas Diehl
"Positioning is like drilling for oil. Close is not good enough."
